You are now well into the second semester.  The end is near!!!  The definition of a derivative is on page 95 of your text.  How would you explain derivatives to someone not taking calculus?  In other words, simplify the definition!!!
2/11/2013 12:03:53 am

I would describe derivatives as a way find the slope of a line for more complicated equations. By using derivatives, you can find the slope of any line, regardless of the numbers of X's or Y's. Derivatives are tough to get the hang of but once you get the hang of them, they are pretty straight forward.

2/12/2013 12:50:28 pm

When the word derivative is thrown out there, my mind is bombarded with equations. If I had to simplify what a derivative is for someone who isn't enrolled in calculus, I would say that a derivative demonstrates how a function changes when its input changes. It is measured by how much a quantity changes in other values. It can be used to find the slope of a line and the inverse of that line.

2/13/2013 12:19:22 am

i would tell them the power rule lets say you have x squared then it would be 2x for the start of it then i would tell them the equations for chain rule, quotient rule, and product rule.

2/14/2013 06:49:44 am

When I think of derivatives, multiple equations and rules come to mind. It would likely be very difficult for someone who is not in calculus to understand derivatives, and there isn't a clear, comprehensible way to define them. The simplest way that I could think of explaining derivatives to a student that isn't in calculus is that they are used to find the slope of a curve of a graphed function.

2/15/2013 12:47:32 am

I probably wouldn't be the person asked to describe derivatives, but on the off-chance that someone that was not in calculus asked me to describe it to them I would probably say the same thing as everyone else. I would say that derivatives were used to find the slope of complex equations.If I was asked to explain it any further than that I most likely would not be able to do it.

2/26/2013 07:10:41 am

Derivatives are definitely not something that I think can be easily described to someone who was not taking calculus. I suppose that the best explanation I could offer would be that derivatives help to find the slope of a curve (also known as the hated H thing in calculus) on a graph. I would also explain the different kinds of derivatives and the different ways to solve the problems with the rules, such as product, quotient, and power rules.

3/4/2013 11:24:11 am

That's a tough question. If a person not in calculus asked me about derivatives, I would probably tell them to Google it. After being asked again, I would probably show them the rules for solving it in an equation. I could also add that they are used to solve for the slope of the curve!


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